Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Life Drawing- Watercolours

I don't usually post life drawings due to the fact its not my strongest points. But whenever I look back a few months, I always regret not having anything that shows progress...or just not having anything at these are from Week 5 session, Derek as a Pirate. Started trying painting life drawings which is remarkably stressful, considering watercolours are one of my fave mediums. Guess that comes from trying to do 30 sec in paint...

Anyways, here's a bunch from that class, hopefully better paintings come along, worthy of a Mark Thurman Portfolio :)

1 comment:

  1. I really love that second one Steph!
    I find that when you get into the zone water colour life drawing can be sooo relaxing. Too bad I've been to like 3 life drawing classes this semester ahaha :D
