Thursday, April 22, 2010

Survived the 3rd year film!

Still in recovery mode from the weird film hours during the last few months. It was quite strange as I needed to work at the studio for the light tables, but need super quietness, which means either getting up before the birds.

Working with everyone was amazing, really got to know a lot of people really well. From work ethics to interest... definetely interesting.

Sadly our film did not turn out as solid as we could've made it. I think a few hours more would've done the trick for uniting the scenes however the screening yesterday went pretty favourable... we hit many of the gags, and the projector helped desaturated the screen (yay! color unification...) I feel horrible for having not been more on top of things so that the last week could've been spent helping others, but overall pretty content. Ashlyn, we've seen your baby through! :D

Currently working on getting a copy online, but for now, I'll post some stills of a splash I made for Qian's scene.

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