Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ridiculously sick. Its not a happy moment. People who say it is awesome to get sick so they can stay home and be lazy obviously don't get sick enough to feel its pain. How frustrating! Although I WAS getting better, I took a nice 180 degree turn on Friday. My fault, but it was soooo worth it! My Cintiq arrived! Had it sent to a friend's place which is a 20 min walk (ish) away. It was warm and cold (yeah..somewhere jumped a lot) and super windy, but I made the trek for it. So I am sick, but got a new toy to play with.

Gave me the chance to finish this piece I started almost a year ago!

One of the last WoW fanarts I'll do in a while (as I have no interest, or the money to play the game). Also a good send off piece...from what I hear, if I rejoin WoW, soul harvesting will be removed from the game...

So here is my piece in dedication to the weird evil soul draining things warlocks did.

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